Facebook Leads

Organic marketing is great as a foundation to growing your brand and your audience. But if you really want to scale & grow your business - Facebook Ads are the way to do that.

You might have tried Facebook Advertising in the past and didn’t get the results you wanted. Poor quality leads, leads you can’t get through to or leads who can’t even remember what they opted in for.

Too much time and too many resources were wasted trying to bring in leads.

Our Facebook Ad Package can help take the stress out of running ads yourself. We’ll help you craft the perfect ads, deal with budgets, the setup, reporting & all that technical stuff… so you can simply pick up the phone and speak to great quality leads.

Facebook Ads work best after you have launched your core offer and built your brand through the first four modules of the Ninja Program.



  • Account Set-Up: We'll create and set up a new Facebook Ads account for you (if needed), making sure it's ready to work well.
  • Account Audit: We'll review your current Facebook Ads account (if you have one) and find ways to make it even better.
  • Framework: We'll provide you the tried and tested COM framework
  • Ad Copy: Based on your offer, we will come up with different variations of Ad Copy.
  • Implementation: We'll put your campaigns in place, making sure they're set up correctly.
  • Optimisation: We'll keep an eye on your campaigns and make changes as needed to get the best results.
  • Reporting: Every Month, you'll get a report showing how your campaigns are doing and offering ideas for improvement.
  • Compliance and Maintenance: We'll make sure your account follows Facebook rules and keep your campaigns running smoothly.
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Facebook Leads - Fitness Business with $50
or less daily ad spend

$1300 /month exc gst & ad spend

  • ✔️ 20% discount if in the Ninja or Alumni Program - $1,040
  • ✔️ 40% discount if in the Mastery Program - $780

Facebook Leads - Non-Fitness Business or with
$50 or more daily ad spend

$2000 /month exc gst & ad spend

  • ✔️ 20% discount if int he Ninja or Alumni Program - $1600
  • ✔️ 40% discount if in the Mastery Program - $1200

Facebook Leads
Ad Setup

$400 exc gst

  • ✔️ 40% discount if in the Mastery Program